Terms and Conditions

Kasapur IT Always encourages visitors to read our Terms & Conditions thoroughly before the further inquiry, contacting our experts and availing our service.

How You Can Use Our Materials

The material provided on the Kasapur IT website can only be utilized for noncommercial purposes when all the material provided must bear copyrights, trademarks or other proprietary rights on our website. You are not granted any license under any copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property rights on the material provided on the website, such as products, services, processes, or other information. All the rights are retained by Kasapur IT, its subsidiaries, and/or any third party owner of such rights. You must not create and frame links from our website without our official permission.

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The logos, marks, company  names, service names, designs, and taglines are the trademarks of Kasapur IT. You are not allowed to utilize any Kasapur IT name or brand marks for any advertising, publicity, or another manner. If you want to use our  trademarks, you must provide us with written permission or authorization requests.


Do not share any confidential information with us. Any feedback, data, answers, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, or the like shared with us will be treated as non-confidential data. You agree that we can use or reproduce any such information without restriction.

Content and Liability Disclaimer

Kasapur IT is not held responsible for listings and advertisements contained on our website. Also, the listings’ technical inaccuracies and typographical errors will not be considered our sole responsibility.

We are not responsible for checking the accuracy of information used in the advertisements, with respect to any professions or trades, while publishing them. We request you not assume any responsibility from us for monitoring the use of trademarks, certifications, copyrights, or other rights of third parties.  Kasapur IT can make any necessary product and service changes without prior notice.

Learn more about how Kasapur IT is a reliable IT consulting company for end-to-end Staffing solutions.